Has anyone come across this message when running SQL 2000 Failover clusters ?
I/O error 2(error not found) detected during write at offset 0x00000016d44000 in file 'K:\MSSQL\Data\Int_DB_2_Data.NDF'..
We got this message yesterday, the RAID Array was OK, the Drive could be written to using test editor directly onto the console. We restarted SQL and all came back OK. SPID 3 is the Signal Handler
Any ideas ?Have you check the SQL Error log? My guess is that you may have a torn page in that database.|||I think you should do a full backup, then use this backup version to restore it on another server and run DBCC CHECKDB or DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP to make sure there is no torn page error like joejcheng mentioned. The Error 823 most likey indicate that there is potential disk problem.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/trblsql/tr_reslsyserr_1_2a0j.asp|||I am chasing a similar problem on HP hardware. Make sure you get a disk consistency check done, as sometimes HP hardware is not good about checking for bad sectors, before writing to them.|||Originally posted by MCrowley
I am chasing a similar problem on HP hardware. Make sure you get a disk consistency check done, as sometimes HP hardware is not good about checking for bad sectors, before writing to them.
Many thanks.
I am running DBCC CHECKDB with ALL_ERRORMSGS , PHYSICAL_ONLY first, then scheduled to run with REPAIR_REBUILD at the weekend.
We are using an HP SAN. I will forward this onto our H/W supplier for info.sql