
Dispalying AS2005 Parent-child hierarchy with RS2005


in AdventureWorksDW at Dimemployee there is a parent-child dimension.

If I use the browse Tab in VS, I can browse all the levels of that hierarchy.

My question is How do I produce this kind of report with RS2005 sp1?

I need the report to behave the same as the browser of VS, meaning that the level depth can change.

I looked all over the web, but didn't find any solution.



Your problem is to fetch all data of parent-child dimension in a single query oi order to fit it in sinlgle SSRS report. I suppose that such solution won't satisfy you. You schould develop report getting data from SSAS by demand, not all-in-one query.|||I had the same problem. From I've been reading Reporting Services has limited functionality when dealing with Analysis Services including the parent-child relationship.

In analysis services I never designated a parent-child relationship, I just simply put the appropriate keys into the cube. That way Reporting Services can do the hierarchy just like it does for aregular SQL query.

The query should return an ID and a Parent ID. In RS create a table with just the Details row (just now at least). In the properties put the group on being the ID and the Parent being the parent ID.

For more info checkout:

If this not is working with a SSAS2005 cube you can query the data mart/source system with a TSQL CTE(Common Table Expression). I know that this is an OLAP forum but if nothing else works try the examples i SSRAS2005 that you find on this link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnsql90/html/sql_05TSQLEnhance.asp


Thomas Ivarsson



thanks for the answer .

I asked if there is an option to use the hierarchy of AS?

I know how to produce RS parent-child reports.

is this the only option?

