We are trying to emulate a disk crash for one of our SQL servers but we are
running into some difficulty. The working server is clustered but the server
to restore to isn't. The databases (master, model, and msdb) are stored on
e: on the working server bu
t are being restore to d: on the test server. The first database to restore
be restored is master but after doing this the server will not restart with
the error message "Unable to locate e:". What is the recommended procedure f
or doing this?
Thanks in advance,
You MUST use SAME DISK CONFIGURATION, if you plan restore the master databas
The master database store file information for all databases, see sysdevices
or sysdatabases table.
Andras Jakus MCDBA
"Dave" wrote:
> We are trying to emulate a disk crash for one of our SQL servers but we are runnin
g into some difficulty. The working server is clustered but the server to restore to
isn't. The databases (master, model, and msdb) are stored on e: on the working serv
but are being restore to d: on the test server. The first database to restore be restored is
master but after doing this the server will not restart with the error message "Unable to l
ocate e:". What is the recommended procedure for doing this?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Dave|||If it's just a test environment, you could try subst e: d:\
Not 100% sure is SQL Server will recognize this when doing the restore, but
it would be worth a shot.
"Dave" <Dave@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> We are trying to emulate a disk crash for one of our SQL servers but we
are running into some difficulty. The working server is clustered but the
server to restore to isn't. The databases (master, model, and msdb) are
stored on e: on the working server but are being restore to d: on the test
server. The first database to restore be restored is master but after doing
this the server will not restart with the error message "Unable to locate
e:". What is the recommended procedure for doing this?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Dave