We have been running an ETL process to load data into a SQL Server database
for quite some time. Sometimes, for no logical reason, entire tables will g
et truncated. We took all ETL processes out of the scheduler and instead lo
aded the tables manually.
The tables are still getting truncated, even with no one on the box, which l
eads to the notion it was not the ETL process doing the truncating. We're h
aving trouble looking at the logs to determine why these tables are getting
Has anyone experienced a spontaneous truncating/deletion of data within a su
bset of tables? Could this be a virus? We thought about attaching a trigge
r to one of the tables, writing some associated info into another table, to
see if we could get a bette
r probe. Any ideas? This is driving us nuts!DDR
Stange, have you run SQL Server Profiler during the loading to see what is
going on?
"DDR" <DDR@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> We have been running an ETL process to load data into a SQL Server
database for quite some time. Sometimes, for no logical reason, entire
tables will get truncated. We took all ETL processes out of the scheduler
and instead loaded the tables manually. The tables are still getting
truncated, even with no one on the box, which leads to the notion it was not
the ETL process doing the truncating. We're having trouble looking at the
logs to determine why these tables are getting truncated.
> Has anyone experienced a spontaneous truncating/deletion of data within a
subset of tables? Could this be a virus? We thought about attaching a
trigger to one of the tables, writing some associated info into another
table, to see if we could get a better probe. Any ideas? This is driving
us nuts!|||Get a log reading tool, you should be able to track it down.
There are four such tools listed here: http://www.aspfaq.com/2449
(BTW, I've never experienced this; it is most likely some rogue process
you've forgotten about or that is misbehaving.)
(Reverse address to reply.)
"DDR" <DDR@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> We have been running an ETL process to load data into a SQL Server
database for quite some time. Sometimes, for no logical reason, entire
tables will get truncated. We took all ETL processes out of the scheduler
and instead loaded the tables manually. The tables are still getting
truncated, even with no one on the box, which leads to the notion it was not
the ETL process doing the truncating. We're having trouble looking at the
logs to determine why these tables are getting truncated.
> Has anyone experienced a spontaneous truncating/deletion of data within a
subset of tables? Could this be a virus? We thought about attaching a
trigger to one of the tables, writing some associated info into another
table, to see if we could get a better probe. Any ideas? This is driving
us nuts!