Is it possible to disable a trigger from a Stored Procedure? If it is, how do you do it?
FedericoALTER TABLE [MyTable] DISABLE TRIGGER trMyTrigger|||Just curious as to why you would want to do this?|||Yes, it is possible to disable the trigger, but keep in mind that you are disabling that trigger for everyone using the table, not just for what the trigger is doing. I don't know of any way to allow a trigger to function for some users/spids and not for others, except to include code within the trigger to make it decide that it shouldn't run under some conditions.
-PatP|||If SQL Server 2000 and one can alter the trigger then one can use SET CONTEXT_INFO in SP and then check master..sysprocesses from trigger.
Might also insert DBCC INPUTBUFFER(@.@.SPID) results into temporary table in trigger to check for proc name in EventInfo column. Would work in SQL Server 7 and would not require any additional code in SP, but would hurt trigger performance, be kludgy, and require hard-coding proc name(s) in trigger.